Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bedtime solutions coming soon!

The Bed Switching Saga
We're trying to get our dear daughter BACK to being comfortable falling asleep in her room.  Suddenly she changed her mind about liking her bed!

Adira seems to perceive that in a few months, something will be very different around here.  She is at once very excited about having a baby sister, talks about it frequently, and probably also senses that her place in life is going to be affected by a new baby in the family.  For two years, we didn’t have any significant, lasting sleep issues with her, but in the last week or two, she’s been extremely upset about going to sleep in her room.  She wants to fall asleep in our bed and actually does NOT require any parent company, routine, comforting, etc.  She just goes to sleep because she’s desperate to avoid her room.  Here’s what we’re trying to do to get her to go to sleep in her room.

-We’re going to introduce a toddler bed, giving her lots of involvement with picking out her first real set of sheets and pretty bed things.  (Thank you, Ita, for helping figure that out!  Without this NEW advice that I didn’t see in any book or website after hours of solution-hunting, there wouldn’t be a reason for this post.)  She really didn’t need ANTHING special to go sleep before, but times are a-changin’!

-We’re going to leave the crib set up “for the baby” but not make a big deal about it.  She has said she wants to share a “bed” with her baby sister so maybe she’ll like the idea of preparing.  (We’ll keep reminding her that we’re davening that Hashem will take care of the baby until she’s ready to be born, b’shaa tova (at the best time).  Adira even says “b’shaa tova!”)

-We’ll probably have to sacrifice a big (but decreasing?) amount of time to staying in her room with her to help her go to sleep in there.  (Darn it, didn't have to do that much before!  We even trained her to say "You should go now, Mommy/Daddy" and that was kind of empowering for her.)  Maybe we'll increase the stories, songs, etc.  At least we feel that this is better, in principle, than letting her go to sleep in our room and “calling the shots” herself.  I know a lot of parents do this at some point and I guess we’ll need some advice to make it through that also.

If you’re inclined, leave some of your best toddler sleep training tips in the comments!  Thanks!


  1. Good luck! The best thing is to establish routine, and let the child fall asleep on her own. If you have more specific questions, I have a friend who is an AMAZING sleep coach for babies, toddlers, and kids. Let me know if you want her contact info!

  2. Thanks Shoshana! Robert and I really studied Kim West (The Sleep Lady)'s Good Night, Sleep Tight book before DD was born. That was also amazing and I highly recommend it for information and techniques.


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